Development of systems and solutions

Our experts will team with you to specify, design, implement and commission target solution for your needs.  

Throughout the whole project life-cycle La Isla will walk with you to identify unmet needs, define, test and select solution concepts, and implement the final project meeting quality, price and deadline criteria.  

ATM/CNS strategy and training

ATM/CNS environment is growing each day in complexity with new challenges derived from increasing traffic complexity and the Emergence of new aircraft types and traffics. Having a clear ATM/CNS system implementation strategy is key to optimize the return of the investment and avoid future blocking points or extra costs due to non-scalability or future interoperability constraints.

La Isla team has a long-term experience in ATM/CNS systems deployment at a national and international level to support your organization.

Project implementation

La Isla team has a wide experience in the implementation of international projects in the ATM/CNS, defense and public safety sectors. 

Our team and experience will be an important support to guarantee a timely, cost effective and quality implementation according to user expectations

Our ATM/CNS training catalogue will help your organization keep its personnel up to date in the complex ATM/CNS environment.

Designed for online, classroom or mixed programs our programs adapt to your timetable and budget. 

Our courses include:

-ATSEP initial, systems and refreshment training
-ATM/CNS systems strategy and evolution
-Navigation systems
-Surveilance systems
-Safety Management
-Verification, validation and certification